Monday, November 24, 2008

Holiday Apron with Pink!

I have finished my apron! Horray! We relocated to Sydney from California a few months ago so I'm a little frazzled - but I created this lovely apron for my partner - who likes pink and has adorable daughters. I'm almost ready - just need to whip together a little something for the girls (they are so beautiful) and it will be off in the mail.

It's coming AirMail but it will be there, I promise!

I cannot wait to get my apron, shake a cocktail and party.

I love all the aprons - this is the BEST swap ever - it was worth all the glitches of finding fabric (a little pricey and limited choice here in Oz) - and I send my best wishes to all of you for creating aprons during the hub bub of the holidays.

Cheers and happy days,
kristin rohan